When Pitta, which represents the principle of transformation, is dominant in our body, we are muscular, intelligent, articulate, goal-oriented, determined and a leader.
When Pitta is in balance, we have good leadership qualities such as warmth, intelligence, oratory and management skills.
But as soon as Pitta is out of balance, it can put us in a challenging, overly competitive, irritable, suspicious, judgmental, angry and aggressive mood, and we may experience inflammation and any kind of inflammatory problems in the physiology.
From June 15th to October 15th, the Pitta Dosha season is characterized by a predominance of warm and fluid qualities in nature. As a result, our skin and body need cooling and more sensitive care.
Our Pitta Dosha balancing products are suitable for use by all body types throughout the summer season, and we especially recommend the Pitta Body Moisturizing and Massage Oil for sensitive and delicate skin, and the Pitta Spice Blend and Pitta Tea for stomach problems such as heartburn, various stress-induced stomach cramps and inflammation.
Naturel Perfume Pitta Roll-On is suitable for daily use and contains effects that calm your nerves, help you manage stress and increase concentration.
Our Daily Wellbeing Teas that we recommend to be consumed especially between June 15 and October 15;