Our Daily Wellbeing Gift Sets designed in a way that you can elaborately give a gift to yourself and your loved ones.
Daily Wellbeing Gift Sets was created with our featured products, especially to ensure Work & Life Balance and to increase your daily life comfort.
Choose from our 7 different Daily Wellbeing Gift Sets, which are candidates to increase the state of Holistic Health and Happiness, according to your taste and the needs of the person you will give as a gift.
* When you purchase one of these Gift Sets, you do not need to click extra the Gift Wrap option in the payment section.
BULK ORDERS : 20 pcs. Special Discount is offered for companies who want to order over 20 Gift Sets. Please send your offer request to our support@dailywellbeing.shope-mail address.
Mouth, Nose and Sinus Cleansing Wellbeing Set is a perfect Oral ve Nasal Hygiene and Self Care set that you can gift elaborately to yourself and your loved ones.
The Aromatherapy Wellbeing Set is a perfect Work and Life Balance and Mind Body Medicine set. This set was produced elaborately from the pure essential oils of 12 different plants and or flowers, especially increase the comfort of daily life.
The Ayurvedic Perfume Roll On Wellbeing Set is a perfect Work and Life Balance and Mind Body Medicine set, which is produced to be a elaborately gift to yourself and your loved ones.
The Kapha Wellbeing Set is a perfect Work and Life Balance and Mind and Body Medicine set, which is produced to be a elaborately gift to yourself and your loved ones and has been created especially with our featured products.
The Pitta Wellbeing Set is a perfect Work and Life Balance and Mind Body Medicine set, which is produced to be a elaborately gift to yourself and your loved ones and has been created especially with our featured products.
The Vata Wellbeing Set is a perfect Work and Life Balance and Mind and Body Medicine set, which is produced to be a elaborately gift to yourself and your loved ones and has been created especially with our featured products.
Ayurvedic Body Moisturizer Oil, Massage Oil Wellbeing Set is a perfect Skin Care and Mind Body Medicine set, which is produced to be a elaborately gift to yourself and your loved ones.